TopiVac Wound Care Devices & Sets Brochure EN - Pdf 1.684 Kb |
TopiVac General Catalog EN - Pdf 5.526 Kb |
ISO 9001 | ISO 13485 | CE 1984 | EMC | LVD |
Conventional vacuum assisted therapy, standard negative pressure wound closure device and dressing; are an active system that applies controlled local negative pressure to support healing in noninvasive acute and chronic wounds. It increases the life quality of the patient and reduces the treatment costs. It heals wounds more quickly and effectively.
It is a non-invasive, developed wound treatment method that has proven itself in wound healing. This treatment unit is needed to apply controlled negative pressure (subatmospheric) to the wounded area.
TopiVac Digital Hand Chairside Classic Vacuum Assisted Wound Treatment Device has a wide variety of disposable consumable components to optimize treatment.
Specially produced for the device TopiVac MultiDRESS, it continuously pulls exudate from the wound through a special foam dressing set applied to the wounded area. It provides equal distribution of negative pressure to the wounded area. The wound is healed by creating granilization.
Negative pressure wound closure system accelerates tissue healing by increasing microcapillary circulation.
European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
Saudi Diabetes and Endocrine Association (SDEA)
Wound Care Society of Nigeria (WCSN)
The Netherlands Wound Platform (NWP)
The College of Wound Care Specialists (CWCS)
TopiVac-Amedus; does not perform medical practice, provide medical services or advice. The information on this web site should not be construed as medical advice.
The information on this site is primarily for healthcare professionals. Patients should consult their physician and healthcare professionals for their medical conditions and treatments, as well as the information provided on this site.